Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blogging Is The Best!

Norah grows more beautiful with each passing day. It won’t be long before she crawls, she is up on all fours and pushes her little bottom back and forth while she makes her happy, “ah, ah, ah” sound. Norah and Mommy are recovering from colds; I always use to feel bad that my sister with two small children was sick so often. Now I know when you spend a lot of time with your baby’s hand in your mouth, the germs flow freely. It’s worth it! Larry is finally recovering from jet-lag, a side from being with the baby; we spent the last 3 days in our room sleeping.

Allyson thanks for your comment!! We hope you’re settling in PA, can’t wait to come home and spend some time with you. Are you sill looking for another job? Debbie-yes! Please mail Macaroni & Cheese!!!!!
Lu-Lu: we get home best guess, late September. I'll keep you posted. We'll be home for about 5 weeks then return to pick up our girl.
Diane Winters!!!! Hi-I miss you guys-hope all went well with DPW visit. Love to see you on the blog-hope Susan enjoys her new home!!

Hope everyone is doing well.
We love & appreciate the comments.
Christy, Larry & Norah


Debbie and Allyson said...
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Debbie and Allyson said...

Hi Abrams family!
I am doing good here in PA....still getting settled. Moving is very stressful and I know all you know that! I just got cable yesterday and Im very excited about it haha.
Im still looking for a new job but I am trying to wait until one or two weeks before I go back home so I dont have to ask for time off in October and Decemeber because I figured it would be too much to ask in a new job. So I figured Id tell them I can start right when I get back from Arizona around the 11th of October.
I also just started my class at DCCC. Its an online class, which I decided to do because when I go home I wont miss school, I can just use my computer at home and do school work if needed. But the downfall is I am not meeting anyone in class Oh well Im meeting people all around here, everyone seems pretty nice.
My roommate and I are getting to know each other better. Shes very sweet and shes a social worker!
Well im going to finish getting ready for work.

I love you guys so much and cant wait for all three of you to return! Give Norah lots of hugs and kisses from me!
